Whilst a lot of our clients are Public Sector based, it remains challenging for SMEs to gain exposure and access to government tenders, no matter the experience, innovative approach and even cost savings involved. It was therefore great to attend an in-person gathering hosted by Tech UK to hear thoughts…
We are not ones to rest on our laurels at NIAXO, and are keen to continually grow and develop the business. As such, director, Ed Puddicombe is proud to have been accepted onto the Royal Academy of Engineering’s Enterprise Hub and recently met fellow members for the first time. He…
NIAXO is very proud to have been selected as a supplier on the new Crown Commercial Service Digital Specialists and Programmes (DSP) framework which went live in March. The new framework will enable us to supply Digital, Data and Technology (DDAT) services on digital transformation programmes for public sector clients, complementing our existing…
Director, Ed Puddicombe, was invited to give a talk at The Emergency Planning College (EPC) headquarters last week to an audience of the Nuclear Industry on the subject of Cyber Security in complex organisations. This topic is well supported by our expertise in Elastic, enabling rapid business advantage and decision insights. If you…
And that’s a wrap! The team had a really exciting and extremely busy few days at Security and Policing 2022 this week. It was great to catch up with longstanding partners Sophie Carr, Bays Consulting Ltd, Elastic, Amazon Web Services (AWS) Accelerated Capability Environment (ACE) Toby Jones to name but a few. We also made…